Classes and Events
Take Your Fly Fishing Game to the Next Level
The 3 forks of the Goodnews River flow out of the Ahklun Mountains and wander through the Togiak National Refuge as they make their way to the Bering Sea. There are over 490 miles of fishable streams, braids, creeks and river branches for you to enjoy, all without seeing another angler. The Lodge itself is located on the North Fork of the river, which is the main branch, right at the upper edge of tidewater, and just 7 miles from Goodnews Bay. From there, our jetboats can easily access all 3 forks of the river, as well as the lower tidewater sections. Chrome bright Salmon, most still with sea lice, are the norm. These fish are fresh and feisty and will challenge your angling skills. Resident Leopard Rainbows and Grayling live in all areas of the river and follow the salmon upriver as they get ready for their spawning rituals. It’s a river system as nature intended, with no trace of human interference besides you and your guide.
Contact Front Range Anglers Adventure Travel Manager Rob Kolanda or Adventure Travel Coordinator John Brown for additional information and to BOOK!
When you BOOK with FRA Adventure Travel you never pay more for our services as we work for YOU and the Lodge!.