Winter Fly Tying Seminars

Learn New Techniques and Patterns with our Winter Seminars

We are excited to announce our 2024-2025 winter fly tying seminar series! Take advantage of the colder weather by learning new techniques, patterns, and methods of fishing from numerous industry professionals and professional fly tyers. We will be offering these FREE seminars every Saturday in-store from 10am-12pm. Look below to see our calendar of tyers, and be sure to check back frequently for new additions and announcements!


03/08: Tom Ziegler

Deer Hair, Foam, and CDC
Tom has demonstrated tying for over a dozen years at such Front Range venues as Front Range Anglers, The Fly Fishing Show, the West Denver TU Tying Clinic, and the St. Vrain TU Tiers Expo. While Tom has earned a reputation for his deer hair work for both trout and bass, he also demonstrates how to utilize foam and CDC for creating very effective trout patterns. In addition to tying demonstrations, he has managed a fly shop, published fly fishing photography in The Fly Fish Journal, Southwest Fly Fishing, MidCurrent and “The Best Bass Flies” and is a FFF Certified Casting Instructor. Find him on Instagram: @tomzieglerflyfishing

March Seminars

Saturday, March 8th Tom Ziegler

Description of presenter and presentation

Saturday, March 15th Dick Shinton

Description of presenter and presentation

Saturday, March 22nd Phil Iwane

Description of presenter and presentation

Saturday, March 29nd TBD

Description of presenter and presentation