Lost Key Lodge
Hosted and Unhosted Trips Available
The croissant- shaped Jumento chain compromises islets, cays and rocks stretching over 110 miles. They include Great and Little Ragged Islands, Raccoon Cay, Hog Cay, Knife Cay, Nurse Cay, Flamingo Cay and Double –Breasted Cay. Located 60 miles north of Cuba Lost Key Lodge is on the edge of the Bahamas in an undamaged Caribbean ecosystem. The waters teem with a wide variety of flats, reef, and pelagic fish. Here natures balance remains undisturbed in the wake of mans progression. The beaches are polished silver, trackless and spangled with rare, delicate shells. Rainbow-hued fish that aren’t afraid of you will nose in to your feet as you wade and beach comb. Unless you see your angling partners you won’t see another soul. Even conch fishermen who come in from Spanish Wells, Bahamas, to collect conch, are rare. You are alone amid the vast tropical sapphires of sky and sea. The Jumentos are as healthy as any wilderness can be today. With all the places in the Bahamas why choose Lost Key Lodge? The Jumentos Cays are a place lost in time. There are no other sport fishing operations and zero angler pressure. We are focused on showing you a truly once in a lifetime experience!